Osita, Ijeoma, Emeka and Ifeatu mourn their mom:
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Date and Time
Saturday October 29, 2022
To be Announced

First Female University Graduate from the Eastern Region, Nigeria
In 1948, Oyibo went to America on a scholarship. Her fare was paid by the Awkuzu Community, her hometown. We thank her father Jacob Ekwemezie Akwuba for allowing her to go at the age of 20 years.
She returned in 1954 as the First Female University Graduate in Eastern Region (Igboland), with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Education (History/Sociology) (1952) from Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Missouri and Masters of Arts in Education (Social and Philosophical Foundations)(1953) from Columbia University, New York.
First Igbo Woman to drive a car
Among her firsts, she was the first Igbo woman to get a driving license and drive a car.
A woman of distinguished humanity
"MRS. OYIBO EKWULO ODINAMADU (NEE AKWUBA) MON.. B.A., M.A., K.S.C. K.S.C. (Knight of St. Christopher of the Church Of Nigeria, Ang. Com) Retired Public Servant; Life Member, National Council Of Women's Societies; National Vice President, Unity Party Of Nigeria (UPN) 1978-1984; Deputy Gubernatorial Candidate (UPN) for Anambra State 1979; Activist for Fundamental Human Rights For Women. Inductee, Nigerian National Women’s Hall Of Fame 2004; Now, visiting in the City of Garner, in the State of North Carolina, U.S.A.
My detailed profile is published in my blogger As: A Profile of Oyibo E. Odinamadu 2005.
Interests Pursuing her literary interests, she had published a book in 1980 entitled: The Dilemma of The Igbo Political Elite. She is about to finalize the manuscript of a Book, in her Igbo Customs Series, entitled: Women In Igbo Land, to be published in two parts. She is also working on another manuscript entitled: My Journey Through Life: A Part Of History. In her leisure she loves to engage in a variety of satisfying activities, such as: home-keeping for the family; gardening; sewing; reading and writing."
In August 1968, Oyibo Odinamadu led the women, under the auspices of the Biafran Council of Women’s Societies, sent on a delegation by BIAFRAN Government to the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth II to stop the GENOCIDE.

In the UPN

"In the UPN, We had a woman, Mrs. Oyibo Ekwulo Odinamadu, She was a very brillaint, strong and militant woman. She served as the National Vice President of the Party and she performed excellently. She was the deputy governorship candidate of the party in Anambra State in 1979." - Ebenezer Babatope.

First Indigenous Principal of Women Training College (WTC) Enugu. 1962.
Rose to Chief Inspector of Education, Eastern Nigeria. "Foremost Education Administrator & Entrepreneur per Excellence".
Led delegation to see Queen Elizabeth of England to stop the genocide.
In agreement with the Biafran Government, presented Kwashiorkor kids to the United Nations. This input made the world and Africa hear and commerce airlifting of Kwashiorkor kids to Gabon.
She was appointed to Chair the distribution of relief materials to the starving Biafrans during the war.
Awarded the honor of Member of the Democratic Republic of Biafra in 1968 (MODRB).
Among the first recipients of Nigerian National Honors, awarded the honor, Member of the Order of the Niger (MON) in 1964.
First Indigenous Principal of Queens School Enugu. 1970
Owned Echo Stores, branches: Enugu, Abakaliki and Onitsha.
Religious Accolades: Jerusalem Pilgrim JP and induction by the Diocese On the Niger, Church of the Province of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) into the Order of Knight of Saint Christopher (1982).
As Special Adviser to Prof. Ambrose Ali, FAS, the Second Republic Governor of Old Bendel state, she saw to the establishment of Bendel State University, Ekpoma (now Ambrose Ali University, Abraka). She served as a member of the governing council.
Served on Governing Council Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.
Rural Electrification
She served on the Rural Development Board assigned to Rural Electrification under the Government of Col. Rob Akonobi of Old Anambra State.
Headed the successful Rural Electrification Taskforce for Abatete.
She facilitated the rural electrification or energization of Awkuzu, her home town.
She served as Commissioner for Old Anambra State Local Government Commission.
Women's Rights and Empowerment
Inductee, Nigerian National Women's Hall of Fame (2004).
Founding member of the National Council of Women Societies (NCWS). Served as President of the Eastern wing from 1960 - 1978
- Women Empowerment Programs
Activist for Fundamental Human Rights For Women.
Author "The Dilemma of The Igbo Political Elite."
Author "FairPlay" Human Rights and Equity for Women and the Girl Child."
Her Autobiography - My Journey through Life.
Questions or comments? Send us a message and we’ll get back to you ASAP
Tel: 972-854-2323
Email: oyibomail@yahoo.com